OK, here is the scenario. We were pulling the engine of a Subaru Legend with auto transmission and had disconnected battery, most wiring plug connections, all rad attachments, water hoses etc. Now we need to roll car to another location in shop that had better engine hoist....Oops, the Subaru's shifter has a safety lock and needs power with key on to activate the release. We could have reconnected battery, but not wise with fuel lines off and electric fuel pump, as well as many open wiring bundles. So now we searched the net quickly for override method and looked deep in owners manual for a possible solution. Ahhh, there is a sneaky override found by removing a few screws and plate to get under shift lever and put a screw driver down manual release hole from top beside shifter lever. Problem solved safely. Now my mechanic buddy, Alf is smarter than the average 6 point socket and slid under car and pulled the shifter linkage off the side of trasmission and manually shifetred the transmission into nuetral. Unfortunately, car then rolled over him while he still lay beneith....not really, but that is the danger of that solution. I hope that helps someone else.

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    Author Don Barta

    Welcome, after years of working on vehicles of all types, and needing to find solutions for issues on many occasions, I decided to start logging or blogging these solutions to help others. I hope you find it helpfull. Please comment.


    March 2012


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